The Candlewood Amateur Radio Association “CARA” sponsors and maintains a regional repeater system consisting of two separate repeaters on 147MHz and 447MHz, all with the W1QI callsign.
The system is designed for coverage throughout the Western Connecticut (upper Fairfield County) area where our club is based.
Our VHF 2 meter repeater is the flagship of our fleet supporting daily communications between club members and others travelling through its coverage area. A weekly club net is also held on this machine. Access to this repeater is also available via the EchoLink internet system.
The club’s UHF 447MHz repeater covers a similar RF footprint as the 147MHz repeater with an additional feature of a link to the Connecticut state-wide amateur communications system. The link will be active to enable club members to participate in CT ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) nets, drills and during real emergencies.
All CARA’s repeaters are open to all users so, please give a call as there is always someone monitoring. To join in on our weekly Net, activity, click on the Cara Sponsored Net page to obtain day and time information.
Our 2m and 440 repeaters
All questions and comments may be sent to us via our contact form.
General Information
Our repeater system is installed and maintained by a volunteer staff. This system has a primary purpose as a club “intercom” during scheduled nets and other club activities. It also enjoys use by those hams who are travelling through the are as well as serving as a viable means of communication during emergency preparedness drills and real emergencies. All users will follow typical repeater etiquette being considerate of other users as friendly to new users.
Currently, both our 2M VHF and 447MHz UHF repeaters are set up to operate independently from each other. Both repeaters exhibit similar coverage over the greater Danbury area.
The 2M 147MHz VHF machine is not linked and is typically used for regular club communications. It has an additional capability known as Echo-Link that enables licensed, out of the area users to use this machine via an internet connection. This repeater broadcasts a periodic CW ID via its internal control and a timed voice ID via the Echolink controller.
The 447MHz UHF machine includes a State-Wide linking capability and used for local and wide area communications. Currently, the “link” is activated 100% of the time with a remote ON/OFF switch. Remember, while using this repeater, to wait a few seconds after pressing the transmit button and before speaking to allow the system’s linked radios to fully engage. This radio will voice ID periodically.
Emergency & Special Use
The CARA repeaters are also used for special activities to provide communications during long distance cycling events, event talk in and emergency drills. During these planned uses, always listen first before transmitting. Also defer all non-essential uses until the event use is done.
During real emergencies, follow typical protocol and allow those properly trained to manage the communications. Once the emergency use is complete, the repeater will be returned to it’s normal operation.
Use During Equipment Failures
The CARA repeater system experiences a high up-time based on a solid commercial AC power system and battery power back-up. In the event that one or both of the operational repeaters fails, the user is directed to move to a different machine or simplex frequency. In an emergency situation, a notice may be sent out to the club via it’s email reflector or simply to follow the pre-planned procedure.
The user has these options:
To program your radio, please reference the list of repeater frequencies and PL tones below:
Candlewood Amateur Radio Association